HARMAN RED 125 is an ISO 125 redscale film, that can transform mundane scenes into dystopian masterpieces with hues of red, orange, yellow and green.
Clear base and high red sensitivity – perfect for redscale
Medium speed ISO 125
Professionally finished with DX Coded 36exp cassettes
Standard C41 processing

Box speed ISO 125 – best results 100 - 200 but usable results can be attained from 50 - 400
Underexposure – Coarser grain, prominent shadows, deeper reds
Normal exposure – Normal grain, Consistent orange tones, softer shadows
Over Exposure – Finer grain – Brighter, more contrasty images, unusual

We suggest to meter for the mid-tones as the best results will be achieved
through correct exposure and metering of your image.

HARMAN Red can be easily scanned on a range of home and commercial